Hi there, how can we help you?
Whether you have questions about our online training courses, videos, workshops and community support, or just need some advice, we are here to help EVERY woman in EVERY way we can. Below you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most but you can always reach us direct by:
PHONE: 01472 123 123
What is The Women’s Exchange?
The Women’s Exchange is a team of experienced and qualified women who are leaders in the fields of organisational, personal and professional development, as well as project and event management.
How do I know your programmes work?
We have developed our programmes through six years of practice and delivery. The techniques and tools we’ll help you develop have been tried and tested by hundreds of Warrior Women like you.
How does eQuality work?
eQuality is a personal journey to self development. The outcome of that journey will always be unique to you.
Our online programme involves ten videos which follow our ten-unit workbook.
Are your courses entirely online?
They are. But you won’t be on your own.
As well as the videos and workbook, you will benefit from bonus live sessions to inspire you as well as online tutor meetings to discuss progress
There will be exclusive access to a social media group where women share their achievements and support each other.
There is also a forum. We encourage you to be part of the forum. Sharing with others can be uncomfortable, even scary, but remember, everyone taking this programme is starting from a similar place as you. Participation within the forum is part of your own personal growth.
How does my purchase support other women?
When you purchase our eQuality programme – 30% of the profits go towards supporting other women who need it!
We empower women with the skills to realise their inner potential. And, because knowledge is our most valuable currency, when you purchase eQuality from The Women’s Exchange, we’ll be able to provide empowerment tools free-of-charge to less fortunate women.
You’re taking the hand of another woman and helping her!
So, download our app today. Help yourself and help someone else. Sisters are doing it … together.
The Women’s Exchange App
Puts power in the palm of your hand

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